Nelson Johns

I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana, and I moved to Durham, NC in 2013. I started my career in music, obtaining undergraduate and graduate degrees for jazz studies in guitar. The pandemic of 2020 inspired me to change careers, and I am currently enrolled in the UNC Coding Bootcamp in the full stack program. I am embarking on learning JavaScript at the moment. I am particularly interested in learning more about careers in back end web development, and I am looking forward to learning more about SQL and Python. I am also interested in data analytics, but I want to further explore careers in tech before I commit to any particular direction. When I’m not coding I also teach guitar lessons and I bartend on the weekends. I currently reside in Durham with a part-time roommate and my cat Clementine.

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Music Notes

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Fitness Tracker

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Tech Blog

Note Taker

CSS Demo